Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness

Promoting good health is our shared endeavor with God, just as caring for our neighbor’s health is an expression of Christian love and service. We recognize the advantages of good health and a strong health-care system, and we are committed to raising awareness about health-related issues as well as health-related ministries, both in the United States and around the world. Physical and mental health is an essential component of a Christian vocation and is God’s intention for every human being. It is vital to our well-being and helps strengthen relationships and enhance our Christian service in our communities and world. 


For resources and information on navigating COVID-19, check out the buttons below.



Epidemic Preparedness: 

When anxiety is high in our culture, worship continues to be a primary location for the proclamation both of the good news of Jesus Christ and of the continuing compassion and care of God in the midst of our humanity. It is a place where we can find solace and reassurance in the midst of our fears. Our state government offered guidance about our lives and about gathering for worship. Here are the links that might be helpful to you: 

  • Full text of Executive Order 20-81
  • Face covering requirements and recommendations under Executive Order 20-81

    Click on the links below for more information:

    A Message from the Bishop (3/6/20)
    Worship in Times of Public Health Concerns
    Planning Checklist for a Pandemic
    Prayers for Times of Public Health Concern: COVID-19/Coronavirus
    SW MN Synod Resources
    Our bishop, Jon Anderson, along with the other bishops of Minnesota, continue to recommend that we respect the federal and state guidance on gathering for worship.

    E-Mails and Notices from GLC Pastors



    Please contact the church office, 634-4514, if you would like more information.


    We are a church deeply rooted in Christ — but, always being made new.
    There is a place for you here!

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