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Young AdultFaith Formation

God’s Spirit calls us to faith. God’s Spirit uses all kinds of ways to shape and form us so that we might become the Christ Followers God has made us to be.

Faith is formed through faith practices, people who God uses to touch and teach us, Sunday School, Confirmation, Adult Studies, reading and the possibilities are endless.

Faith Practices

We are a church that is energized by lively engagement in our faith and life. “Our faith is a living, busy, active, mighty thing,” said Martin Luther. Faith Practices are ways to live out our faith as we grow in our discipleship.

We learn as we practice. We never are finished learning as we journey through the seasons of our life. Faith practices are one of the best way of inviting people deeper into Jesus and the community that bears his name.

As we share stories we will discover ways we might grow deeper and wider in the faith and love we know in Jesus Christ. As disciples we are called to:

  1. Pray
  2. Study
  3. Worship
  4. Invite
  5. Encourage
  6. Serve
  7. Give


Please contact the church office, 634-4514, if you would like more information.



We are a church deeply rooted in Christ — but, always being made new.
There is a place for you here!

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  • Evengelical Lutheran Church in America
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